Wisdoms and Nature


Why do I call myself a “steward” and not a “gardener” or “garden blogger?”  Because I feel most garden blogs out there have a very typical human-centric and ego-centric approach.  It’s all about how to get something from Nature. It’s very rarely about how to give back to Nature, how to thank her for the abundance we receive.  This world is meant to be a reciprocal relationship, and humans are doing a very bad job at it.

So if you want to know how to get the perfect harvest, don’t come to me.  I let the worms and critters take what they need to take.  I share with them.  I have enough for myself.  I’m here to be a steward of the land and all its creatures and I get paid in return.  Nothing more.   And here on this page, you will learn the wisdoms on how to be a steward of Nature, how to be in a reciprocal relationship with Nature, how to be one with Nature.

So welcome, my beautiful squash blossoms.  Get comfortable with a cup of warm beverage, and let's heal together.

What is a Squash Blossom?

When I call you all “my beautiful squash blossoms,” I mean this.

To be a squash blossom is to be the bearer of food and the provider of shelters.  To be a squash blossom is to be a steward of life.  To be a squash blossom, is to be life.  It’s a very important job.

And it’s my job as the squash vines to guide you and provide you the nourishments you need to do what you were meant to do, for as long as I can.  So welcome, beautiful squash blossoms, to "Under The Squash Vines."