Wisdoms and Nature

Ego versus Eco

EGO: the belief that life is a hierarchy and one species/gender was made to rule over others.

ECO: the knowing that we are all meant to be part a balanced ecosystem, all playing our part to keep this balance. Ex: when the squirrels populations begin to get out of balance, their natural food source, the pecan trees, coincidentally begin to withhold their pecan production until the balance is restored. (Referenced from the book “Braiding Sweetgrass” by Robin Wall Kimmerer).

The problem arises when this balance is artificially thrown out of order for an extended period of time. But Nature’s goal is balance, not benevolence, and she will do whatever it takes to bring the needle back to where it needs to be, whether we’re ready for it or not.

As for me, I’m just the messenger, whether you want to listen or not😉. I have no attachment to the outcome. I already know what the outcome is going to be.