Welcome to "the Squash Vines" - a collection of recipes, wisdoms, and stories 

on how to be the stoic calm in the storm, a steward of Nature, and how to be human.

About Me

Advocate, writer, teller my Viet people's wisdom and stories through food and nature.  Steward of Mother Nature’s creations.

My name is Nguyễn Thiên Ân.  I spent the first 10 years of my life in Vietnam where I learned the most irreplaceable lessons and experiences that I took for granted.  Like most immigrants, these lessons and experiences were soon forgotten and lost in the hustle and bustle of life in the US. 

In 2020, when the pandemic hit and I finally got a break from my relentless work schedule, I started gardening like everyone else.  But something unusual happened when I was spending hours and hours under those quiet squash vines.  Lessons I've never learned became crystal clear.  The little stories that I've forgotten about started reappearing one by one.  They contain invaluable wisdom on how to be the stoic calm in the face of the storm, how to be one with Nature, how to be human.  The rustling of the leaves and the chirping of the insects emanate the forgotten wisdoms of Mother Nature and my ancestors passed.  The gentle breeze couriers their messages to my ears and whispers “These stories must be told.”

So let's gather under the squash vines, share a meal together, while I tell you some wisdom and stories.

Why "Under the Squash Vines?

What is the origin of Under The Squash Vines?  I think anyone who has followed me for a while knows how important squash vines are to me.  Under the squash vines is where I find my sanctuary.  Under the squash vines is where I find my wisdoms and peace.  Under the squash vines is where I learned empathy.  Under the squash vines is where I hide when overburdened with grief and loss.  Under the squash vines...is where it all started.

So if you want to find me, look first “Under The Squash Vines.” 

Why "Wisdoms and Stories?"

Why do I say “wisdoms and stories” instead of “tips and recipes?”  Because “tips and recipes” are for influencers, and I am no influencer.  My “wisdoms and stories” were accumulated and passed down through generations of history, trials, tribulations, and resiliency.  “Wisdoms and stories” are meant to be digested and contemplated slowly over a warm cup of tea, while spending time in Nature, while sitting under the squash vines.  And at the end of the lesson, you are supposed to feel a little wiser, a little calmer, a little more human.  So if you’re looking for some quick “tips and recipes,” there are many others on the web who can provide those better than I can.  Otherwise, get cozy with a cup of warm beverage, and let's heal together.