Wisdoms and Nature

We Don't Own Nature

I saw a squirrel get away with a from my garden. It happens sometimes. Do you think I got angry? Do you think I went to Home Depot and looked for squirrel traps and tried to figure out how to put up more fencing around my garden? Absolutely not.

Humans are truly the most gullible creatures on the planet. We let capitalism lie to us and make us believe that what we grow belong to us and our property, just because we put up a private fence. No baby no. You are not the owner. I am not the owner. My garden belongs to Mother Nature and all her creations. I am simply asking her for a plot of her land, a lot of blessings from her weather, and just enough abundance from her fruits to feed myself and those around me. She is in control, not me, not you.

Besides, it’s not like I’m short on tomatoes. I have more than plenty. She has given me plenty. So if I have to share some for her other creations, I just consider it a “nature tax.”

The day I became a good gardener was the day I humbled myself and accepted that I am simply a tenant on Mother Nature’s plot and a stewardess of her land.