Wisdoms and Nature

Thoughtful Destruction versus Careless Destruction

I chopped down this Japanese Maple tree in my backyard.  But it was not a decision I took lightly.  It actually took me two years of observing and evaluating before I decided that the benefits to the backyard ecosystem would far outweigh the costs once the tree is gone.

🌳 The tree was too skinny and flimsy for the squirrels and birds to seek shelters in. They already have a sturdy shelters in the other large Oak and Maple trees in the yard.

🌳 The tree did provide some food for the critters, but again, compared to the other established Oak and Maple trees in the yard, it’s chump change.

🌳 The tree was shading an advantageous sunny spot that would be a perfect fit to grow vegetables and pollinator-friendly native flowers.

And that is the whole point of being a steward and caretaker of the land. My job is to make sure I use the skills I was given to manage the land and her resources for the highest good of all.  Sometimes, thoughtful destruction is necessary to foster new creations.  The keyword here is thoughtful, because careless destruction is just simply destructive.