Wisdoms and Nature

Survival of the Fittest

If Nature’s intention is “survival of the fittest,” then where does human stewardship come in?

This batch of Tomatillo seedlings used to be a Tomatillo that fell down on the ground, weathered Winter dormancy, and the strongest seeds germinated in Spring to force their way through the soil, declaring to the world“We are the fittest and we want to survive!”

BUT as you can see, the seeds are overclustered in their natural formation. For a plant that can grow up to 8-feet-tall and 5-feet-wide, there is no way this formation is conducive to the most productive yield. Without human intervention, only one of them will survive. With human intervention, to move them farther apart, to care for them, there is a good chance many of these seedlings will grow into healthy food-producing plants for all creatures in the ecosystem.

Humans are a product of nature and nurture, and plants and animals are no different. The only difference is we are equipped with all the right tools to provide the most nurturing environment, and that is why we are endowed with the responsibility to be the stewards of Nature.