Wisdoms and Nature

How I Avoid Eco-Anxiety

As an Earth 🌍 activist, I’m often asked how I can be so calm? How am I immune from this common ailment among activists called “eco anxiety?” The answer is simple, my friend: Because I already know the outcome of this battle.😉

You see, I’ve figured out that when we shout “Save the Planet!” on our signs and t-shirts, we really meant “Save us, the human race, and our way of life.” The planet doesn’t need saving. Mother Nature will always find a way to regenerate. Mother Nature will always find a way to re-achieve her balance, which is the only thing she cares about.

She doesn’t care about your children’s retirement funds or your great-grandchildren’s future weddings or that you’re a good person. She doesn’t care that this squirrel is too cute to die. She only cares that the squirrel populations have gotten out of balance, and it’s time to withdraw their natural food source, the pecans production, until the squirrels population is back in balance. You catch my drift?

So, what is the outcome? Humans will change by one of two ways: 1) voluntarily by process or 2) involuntarily by disasters. Either way, the final outcome is the same: Mother Nature will win, and balance will be restored.

And I’m at peace with that outcome.😌