Wisdoms and Nature

Sharing is Caring

A visitor to the garden asked me “Why are you just giving these plants away for free?”

My answer is: “Why wouldn't I?”

1) Any good gardener would know that you always start more seeds than you need, then select the healthiest ones.

2) Since I always end up with more healthy seedlings 🌱 than I can take care of, why would I throw them away instead of giving them out to people who can take care of them? As long as I get my plastic planters back, which I always do, what am I losing by spreading the plant love?

3) Any good gardener knows that the overall health of the surrounding ecosystem as a whole is beneficial for everyone, including themselves. More food-producing plants = healthier ecosystem for everyone.

In other words, I’m not doing this because I’m a self-sacrificing nice guy. I’m doing this because I want to use your lands as a tool to build the world I want to see. I told you, I’m a passive aggressive anarchist.😉