Wisdoms and Nature

Nature is Balanced, Not Benevolent

I’ve spent hours sitting under these vines, observing and absorbing the wisdoms emanating from the leaves, the soil, the insects, the fruits…and if there’s one lesson they want me to pass on to you (and honestly my ancestors already knew this but we’ve forgotten it), it’s this:

🍃Mother Nature is 100% in charge. You are not. It’s her world. We just live in it.”🍃

And Mother Nature has one goal and one goal only: to maintain balance. And she will do whatever it takes to get back to equilibrium, even if it means sacrificing some things for a period of time. She does not care about benevolence. She cares about balance.

Let me give a small example: the first year I grew cucumbers 🥒 , I had a rock star year. Second year was good, but not as good as the first. This year, I could not keep cucumbers alive, not matter how much I tried. And I took that as a sign that MN wants me to take a break from cucumbers this year and focus on other things instead. Why? Because the cucumber beetles population was getting out of control and they needed to be starved out this year or they’ll be uncontrollable next year.


Where the preys go, the predators will follow.

And so I heeded her order, stopped trying cucumbers. And guess what? She gave me a ton of abundance in other veggies instead. That was my reward for playing by her rules, not against them. If you’re religious, you may know this philosophy as “let go and let God.” Same thing.

This lesson can applied to your personal life. It can also be applied to the entire world of humans and our interactions with Mother Nature. Remember, she’s always trying to get back to balance. 😉