Wisdoms and Nature

Mundane Miracles

I’m always in awe at how Mother Nature always finds a way to feed us, even when we reciprocate her kindness by bulldozing over her land, spraying poison on her medicine, and pouring hot asphalt over her creations in the name of “progress.”

These are all edible plants that I found defiantly growing out of the most uninhabitable places.  If we just pay attention, we will recognize Nature’s warm resilience in the midst of cold concretes and bustling shopping centers. Perhaps it is her way to remind us that we will always be taken care of if we can pry our attention away from the daily hustle for a minute to become CONSCIOUS of our blessings?

***Side note: Pokeweed stems and leaves should ALWAYS be cooked for 15-20 minutes before consumption. Otherwise, it can be poisonous.

Be aware. Be conscious. You never know what kind of mundane miracles you may find in the middle of a parking lot.