Wisdoms and Nature

Nobody Can Taste The Worm Damage

My neighbor asked me “Why don’t you spray insecticide on your Bok Choy? Most of them is damaged.”

Confused, I asked “What are you talking about? Most of them is healthy.”

Because you see, whereas they see a patch of Bok Choy where almost every leaf is damaged…I see a patch of Bok Choy where every leaf is mostly undamaged.

Because most of us have been trained by the corporate marketing departments to see any imperfection as rendering a food inedible. No honey, that’s not how Mother Nature works.

Whereas they see that the worms have eaten 90% of my crops, I see that the worms have only eaten 10% and left me 90% to eat.

Trust me, nobody can taste the worm damage. Cook it all up. You’re not going to die. I promise.