Wisdoms and Books

Ocean Vuong, "On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous"

The Language of Creation

I, too, am perplexed why we use language of destructions to celebrate our success. I've been mindful to remove myself from this learned behavior, for the language of destructions does not align with my soul's purpose as a creator, regenerator, and healer.

I don't conquer my garden, I nurture her and in return she nourishes me.

I don't slay that story or that poem, I exude it from the depth of my soul, and in return, what I create reverbrate to heal your soul.

I don't chase and smash my goals, I attract them to me with good intentions and appreciate them when they arrive.

Although I would say there is a place for destruction, and that is when destruction is coupled with regeneration and rebuilding, and I'm speaking from the perspective of Nature, society, and self. But I prefer to keep the language between the two dichotomy separate and balanced, and not give destruction any more power than it needs to possess .