Wisdoms and Self

The Day I Moved A Roomful of Furniture By Myself

Have you ever been so elated and happy, you could move a roomful of furniture by yourself in under 30 minutes? I experienced that once, and it foreshadowed my future.

My second semester of college, my roommate moved out. She and I got along fine, but we weren't best friends or anything.

But I remembered as soon as she left her key and closed the door behind her, I felt this HUGE elation and euphoria....like I could move mountains. And I did. Within 20 minutes, I rearranged all our furnitures to turn the room into my room. Mine. It was a luxury I never had before. My own space just for me.

She came back 30 minutes later to retrieve something she forgot, and was taken aback by how quickly I rearranged the room. "You did all of this by yourself in the last half hour?" I know, I couldn't believe it either.

Now, if I had spent some time reflecting with my inner self at that moment, I would have realized that the elation I felt was my inner self telling me what I truly wanted out of life. I needed to be alone. I needed to walk through life as a lone wolf with no obligations to anyone or anything. That is my soul's true desire.

But being the 18-year-old raised in traditional society, that self reflection never happened. So shortly after that, I made a series of mistakes that went against my true nature.

I got married (huge mistake). I bought a townhouse in an HOA-controlled community (second huge mistake). I spent the next few years of my life trying to be that person who threw bridal showers and planned girls' trips and family reunions. None of those things brought me the same euphoria as in those 30 minutes. In short, I wasted a lot of time that I could have spent working on the things that I need to work on.  The only saving grace was my inner self stopped me from having children.

I'm one of the fortunate ones who figured out who I am before it's too late. Most souls don't achieve this lesson in this lifetime. So to all my young people, I say: listen to that inner voice. When was the last time you were so happy, you could move a roomful of furniture by yourself in under 30 minutes?