Wisdoms and Self

Anti-Motivational Speaker

"You're like the anti-motivational speaker. It's kind of refreshing."

Well, I don't try to be anti-anything, but I will clarify the difference between my personal philosophy versus how most humans see the world, and you can disagree with me or not. It really doesn't matter to me.

Whereas most humans see their life goals as a series of expansion starting from zero, I see my existence as starting with a heavy load of karmic debts and a check list of tasks assigned to me, my soul's purpose. And my goal is to reduce my checklist, my attachments, my debts until I simply become a drop of water that melds into the vast ocean.

And so while most humans live their lives trying to expand their existence - by accumulating more wealth, power, possession, friends, family, etc... - I live my life with the intention to reduce my attachments, by checking off the list of tasks that were assigned to me. And in that quest of completing my tasks, I by default expand my existence in the physical realm - what your motivational speakers would call "Be all you can be!" Except it isn't. I'm not trying to be all I can be. I am simply laser focused on my assigned tasks.