Wisdoms and Self

Our Higher Selves Never Shout. They Whisper.

No matter who comes to me for advice, the first thing I always tell them is to carve out some quiet time for themselves.  At least one hour a day of absolute silence in isolation.  Why? Because no matter who you worship/don’t worship, and whether you call it “prayer” or “meditation”, and whether you call it “god” or “Mother Nature” or “ancestors” or “inner self” or “the Divine” or the “Universe,” the absolute truth is this:

You cannot gain inner wisdoms in the midst of distractions.  Our higher sources never shout.  They whisper.  So how would you hear their messages if you’re constantly in a rush, or your friends constantly drop in on your space, or you’re always running around attending this party and that brunch and that wedding to make people happy?  Wisdoms don’t come inside a loud nightclub.  Wisdoms come in the middle of a quiet garden.

So live your life, but make sure you make time for yourself.   You’ll find that the balance you gain is immeasurable.