Wisdoms and Self

How I Stay Fit in my 30s

“How do you stay fit in your 30s?”  To be honest with you, I don’t have any special diet or workout routine or supplements to give you.  Yes, I’m vegan, but tbh you can look fit on any diet.  I eat fries and pizza a couple times a week.  I drink coffee.  Rice makes up 50% of my diet.  And I have some sweet everyday.  I also don’t “gym”.  But what else do I do?  I'm kind to myself.

I don’t stress over things I can’t control, like other people’s behaviors and opinions.  I walk every day while I take in the beautiful morning sun and the scents of flowers while I have my internal monologues.  I spend time in my garden daily.  I feed my body with the best garden food it deserves.  I work on hobbies that feed my soul and lowers my stress level like reading, knitting, gardening…  And clearly, I avoid things that don’t make my body and soul feel good like alcohol, binging Netflix, loud places, loud people, etc..  The point is: everything I do is to be kind to myself and give my body the treatment it deserves.

And that’s all I want you to take away today.  Be kind to yourself.  To hell with all other beauty standards.  Everything else will fall into place.