Wisdoms and Self

Intuitions vs. Logic

Despite being perceived as a very logical and analytical person, I make all of my decisions with 90% intuitions and 10% logic. And the best decisions I've ever made were made with intuitions that, by all logical reasonings, cannot be justified on papers.

I think because society arbitrarily assigned "logic" to the masculine trait, and "intuitions" or "feelings" to the feminine trait, and because masculinity is often associated with success in the traditional social construct, we subconsciously try to suppress our intuitions in favor of logic. How many times have you heard "She thinks with her emotions instead of logic" as a subtle insult, or as a sly jab on the side?

Well, we're only doing ourselves a disservice by stifling what was given to us as our first form of defense. Your instant gut feeling that "the vibe isn't quite right" or danger is imminent is meant to protect you, because by the time your logic and 5 concrete senses can perceive the danger, it's too late.

It was my intuition that told me to drop my entire life in Oklahoma, get on that plane with no more than a suit case of clothes, to start a new life in a new state by myself. 11 year later, that seemingly illogical decision has worked out beautifully.

It was my intuition, and nothing else, that whispered "This is your house" the moment I stepped foot into what everyone else thought was too old and not worthy of my tech salary. "You can do better", they sneered. On paper, I could not explain why I wanted this house so badly. Looking back now, this house has everything I need and is actually an integral part in the creation of Under the Squash Vines.

It was my intuition that told me to walk away from a job that had just recently gave me a 20% raise and a promotion, to take a job where I had to initially take a 40% pay cut and a demotion. While everyone was aghast at my illogical decision at the time, looking back now, I can tell you that I have been more than compensated for trusting my intuition.

In fact, the only times that I've made regrettable decisions was when I used logic to overthink my way through the process. And if you truly reflect back, I believe you will arrive at the same conclusion.

So today, I encourage you to allow yourself the service that your intuitions have been begging to provide. You deserve it. I'm going to enjoy this goreous early-autumn day in the place I call home.