Wisdoms and Self

Follow the Flow

This is yours truly’s derpy self biography in her 6th grade class scrapbook. What you don't know about this picture is it was taken about 3 months after my favorite ESOL teacher gave me the horrifying news that he will be recommending for me to end my ESOL program because he believed I was ready for regular English classes. I had only been in the US for 1 year.

“BUT…but..Mr. McKendree, I’m not ready! I don’t speak English!” - I tearfully argued with him in perfect English. I had grown so COMFORTABLE in Mr. McKendree’s fun class that I was not ready to leave the SAFE cocoon that he was about to kick me out of. Like a wise teacher who knew what was best for his students, he kicked me out into the REAL world anyway.

1 year later, my regular-level English teacher let me know that she will recommend for me to be placed in the Gifted & Talented English class, as she believed my writing skills would be better nurtured in that environment. “WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? I HATE writing. I love math and science,” - I petulantly defied. I was too comfortable again.

4 years later, my AP English teacher, who I adored, let me know that she had nominated me for the English Student of the Year award, and that all I had to do was submit an essay along the other nominees. “Fine, Mrs. Bradford!” I rolled my eyes in that typical 16-year-old indignant attitude. “If it makes you happy, I’ll submit the essay. But just letting you know, I’m going to college for STEM. I don’t like words. It’s just not my thing.”

I walked into that competition room with THE most IDGAF attitude a sulky teenager can express, wrote my essay with a “let’s get it over with” half-assery, and left 10 minutes early. I won the award that year.

And in retrospect, even though I did end up in a career in tech, the reason for my success and acolades all these years has very little to do with my technical skills, but because of my craftsmans-like ability to communicate with WORDS - the one thing that I had spent my entire school career convincing people that I was very bad at.

Point is: there are teachers/mentors whose job is to nudge you in the direction outside of your comfort zone and towards your true path. Pay attention to the little nuggets of guidance the Universe sends your way. Because chances are, you’ll end up where you’re supposed to be anyway, sooner or later.