Wisdoms and Family

Why I'm Selective with My Words

To be completely transparent with you, I could cave to the pressure of the powers that own social media platforms, whose main agenda is pushing content creators to post as much as possible to keep the audience engaged.  It’s all about quantity over quality in this world.  I could post endless reclaimed memes and cliché quotes and “this or that” polls all day and BEG for your engagements until you’re sick of me.

But I am my father’s daughter.  And my father taught me to be frugal and selective with my words.  If he does not have anything wise or valuable to say, then he’d rather conserve his energy and stay quiet.  But when he does speak, people listen, because they know he’s about to dispense some valuable wisdoms.

And that’s how I’d rather be known in life.  I want to be the hermit who spends most my time in quiet contemplation under the squash vines, so that when I do emerge from my sanctuary and speak, people look forward to what I have to say.