Wisdoms and Family

Accept The Gifts From Your Ancestors

One of the remaining elders in my family recently complimented a piece I wrote, and although I don’t seek external validation for my work, that confirmation from that person made me feel like I’ve finally joined the ranks.

You see, in the ancient four social classes under the monarch dynasties: Sĩ (Scholars), Nông (Farmers), Công (Craftsmen), Thương (Merchants), my family was a long line of Sĩ. That means a bunch of Sĩ people married other Sĩ people and raised more Sĩ people and finally produced me.

There were no shortage of great writers in this bloodline. Some of them were revered and chastised for what they wrote. Some of them were even oppressed and killed for what they wrote. And that is why I never thought I could add anything new or impressive to this already saturated line of talents. So for the longest time, I tried to forge my own path in STEM and business.

But I supposed I should just accept the gift that was bestowed upon me at birth. After all, so many people fought to survive at least long enough to pass on the gift. And it turns out…I can still forge a new path by building upon the road that was already paved.