Under The Squash Vines

Vegan Vietnamese Recipes Shared by Nguyễn Thiên Ân

Chè Đậu Đen:  Black Beans Coconut Pudding


2 cups dried black turtle beans (softened overnight)

1 tablespoon cornstarch

1 can full fat coconut milk

Rock sugar

Brown sugar

Sea salt


1. Rinse the beans. Soak in water overnight. Rinse and drain.

2. Boil the beans in water on high heat 30 minutes.

3. Add rock sugar to taste. Boil until soft. Reduce to desired consistency.

4. In a bowl, whisk cornstarch with 1 cup cold water together until smooth.

5. On a saucepan on medium low heat, add coconut water, brown sugar to taste, cornstarch mixture, and pinch of sea salt. Reduce until desired thickness.

6. To serve, pour coconut sauce over bean pudding before eating. Serve warm or cold.