Wisdoms and Culture Stories

Bánh Xèo is the Ultimate Vietnamese Love Language

My mom always said “Bánh Xèo” (Vietnamese savory crepes) is one of the most selfless acts of love one can show their family, because the person who is in charge of pouring the batter is always the LAST one to eat.

Why? Because by its own nature, Bánh Xèo must be eaten as soon as it comes off the pan to preserve its signature crispness. The cook cannot make all the Bánh Xèo at once and THEN eat. It is an “eat as you cook experience.”

So the cooks, usually the women of the family, usually mom, know they would be the last ones to eat, if they want this meal to be enjoyed to its full potential. 

Since I’ve moved far away from home, I have no one to make Bánh Xèo for me, so I have to make it myself. Problem is: without a big family, I’m also the only one eating the crepes. Not the ideal Bánh Xèo experience, but that’s okay.

You can find the Bánh Xèo recipe here. Make these for your weekend family meal. You won’t regret it.