Wisdoms and Art

My Birthday Gifts and the True Universal Language

When I say I have the best inner circle a hermit could ask for, I mean it .

For my birthday, I received these captivating pieces to add to my collection, from two different friends who each embodies a different style of art - one is a painter, the other one a digital craftswoman. Neither of them knew what the other was going to create, but both of their pieces turned out to complement each other like the lullabies of cicadas harmonizing with the summer rain. Do you notice that the compositions of both pieces are almost identical?

They say that math is the universal language, and I think that’s only true from a transactional sense. Beyond the objective verbal communication, there are unspoken nuances of the souls that can only be articulated through the medium of art and music. And I believe nowhere is that exemplified more than the dynamic collection in my personal gallery: all from different artists with different backgrounds and techniques, who somehow found a way to converge their divergence into a harmonious blend of language, at the intersection of this tiny basement office.

It has been the best birthday, indeed!