Wisdoms and Art

A Visitor and Accidental Impressionism

One day, I posted a photo of a majestic Monarch butterfly that visited the "Under the Squash Vines" garden, and 3 months later, I received a surprise package in the mail from my dear friend Peggy, who is one of the most talented artists I know. One thing to note: I am a fan of Impressionist style, and Peggy has experimented with almost all styles of art EXCEPT for the Impressionistic.

Per Peggy's note: "This was the photo you posted. I just loved it. When I love something I want to draw it. But I just started to try acrylic on canvas and this photo inspired my first try. It was wonderful knowing this was in the midst of your garden and you captured your delightful visitor to enjoy forever." She had always started her painting by sketching with pen/pencil. But for some reason, today, she felt called to just paint with no sketches.

Her confession tickled me to pieces because for someone who never had the intention to be an Impressionistic painter, everything that her painting transpired out of - from the spontaneous inspiration by Nature, to the technique of small, bold, and seemingly unmethodical brushstrokes on canvas - were all reminiscent of an Impressionist.

They say sometimes "happy coincidence" happens, but I believe there is no such thing as a coincidence.  I believe, just as in this fated scenario, that the elements align together to produce what we manifest with our highest intentions, and sometimes, the catalyst is as unassuming as a little visitor in the garden.